A project of the The Ringwood Public Library

People and Places

William L. DeFreese, patriarch of Upper Ringwood, formally dressed and posed outdoors.

Sydney, Lucy, Adele, Violet and baby Van Dunk posing outdoors in winter.

Sydney Van Dunk, John Morgan, Garrett and John Milligan casually dressed.

Sydney Van Dunk, Ira Morgan, Norman Van Dunk, John Morgan riding bikes.

Silas Mann riding a tricycle.

Shirley and Suzette DeFreese formally dressed.

Self Help Program meeting with Congressman Joelson

Sara Adelaide Van Dunk Morgan in profile with letter.

Samuel P. Morgan, a blacksmith for the mines and the Hewitts, formally dressed with Margaret.

Ronald Mann, Shirley DeFreese Van Dunk, Dora DeFreese Van Dunk family.